I am delighted to have finally launched my much thought about cake blog. I love to bake and while I no longer "fill my tins" regularly like I did when my family were young.....the waistline couldn,t stand that....I always bake a cake or do some baking to share with family and friends when they are visiting or we are having a get together.
All my friends know I will be bringing a "made from scratch" cake of some sort.....and would be hugely disappointed if I didn't. I find having a good repetoire of quick and easy cakes you can whip up in a hurry helps when time is short, but I don't want to disappoint. Then I have a bunch of friends who are always watching their weight and only like very healthy treats. I find my "No Butter, Sugar, Egg Fruit Cake" is always a hit with these friends. It uses a whole orange whizzed up in the Kitchen Whizz, and wholemeal flour....although it works perfectly well with plain flour if you haven't got wholemeal in the cupboard. This recipe has done the rounds and one friend says she uses it for her Christmas Cake.I have also made it with rice flour for a friend who is cealiac. I plan to come here often and write about my various baking adventures and will share my tips and recipe suggestions too. So do come back and check out my latest baking feats. Cake Fare - Eat Cake or Cakes to Eat.....ENJOY!
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Gail Gillespie
Brought up baking from a young age I love to make delicious cakes to share with family and friends. Much like my mother, I can be one of those cooks who measure by "eye" rather than with a measure, and invariably add in or take out ingredients depending on what is in my cupboard. However, I do also appreciate the need to follow a recipe exactly for best results, as the "pour it in" method is really for those who have done a lot of baking over many years. I use this method for new recipes. So come share my recipes and learn some baking skills if you are not confident. Archives
February 2014